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Showing posts from December 27, 2011

PSO receivables increase to Rs 180 billion

finan c ial valu a tions of P SO i s fut i le… Pakistan’s biggest petroleum handle r , Pakistan State Oil ( P S O ) is on the verge of financial collapse since its o u t standi n g dues from various ‘ e ner g y sector’ e ntities has reach e d to the extent of Rs 1 80 b n (whi c h is highest in 4‐y e ars). It seems t hat no bailing out is for t h c o ming from m i nistry of finan c e (M o F). A c tual cash flows o f t he entity have gone n e gative due t o incidence of more short term loans t o keep the dai l y operations afloat. It is imperative that the calculation o f DCF value o f such an entity may be a futile exercise and thus ta n t a mount to mislead investors. Liabiliti e s swe l ling… Wh e n PS O is not receiving du e p a yments, it is hard for the i r treasury to a r range paym e nts for r efineries. Ri g ht now PS O has t o p a y R s 1 7 2 b n of man y companies th a t also include international pri n cip